[X2Go-Dev] x2go and thinstation

Tjabring van Egten tvanegten at vluchtelingenwerk.nl
Wed Jun 8 18:27:39 CEST 2016

Dear Michael, Mike, Mihai and Oleksandr,

I'm turning directly to you with a question about X2Go. I'm senior sysadmin at the Dutch Refugee Council in The Netherland. We provide an all open source environment for our almost 15000 users, mostly volunteers.
We have around 2500 thin clients who are contacting our around 100 FreeNX servers. FreeNX is end of live and definitely inferior to X2Go. Our team as core sysadmins  like to switch to X2Go.
However we are phasing a challenge we are not able to sove: How to incorparate the x2go client in our setup.
We have around 250 small PFsense boxes providing DHCP and TFTP PXE boot on location. They serve the thin clients a Thinstation image ( http://thinstation.github.io/thinstation/)
However, X2go is not included and trying to add it is also not simple.

Is there a way you could help us with this? If so, please contact me and we workout the details.

Hope to hear from you, sincerly

Tjabring van Egten
Senior Systeem- en Netwerkbeheerder

VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, Landelijk Bureau
Eenheid ICT, Afdeling Diensten

Surinameplein 122
Postbus 2894, 1000 CW Amsterdam
Toestel Intern: 7292
T 020-3467292
F 020-6178155
M 06-51270954

tvanegten at vluchtelingenwerk.nl


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