[X2go-Dev] x2goclient/win32, nxproxy window resolution (outer vs. inner border)

John Williams jwilliams4200 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 00:42:06 CET 2012

On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Mike Gabriel
<mike.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de> wrote:
> John Williams wrote:
>  (except all the clients have a bug where it sets the Windows window
> size too small when you choose a custom resolution, say 800x600, the windows
> client sets the outer dimensions of the window to 800x600 but of course the
> windows title bar takes up 25-30 pixels, so the window ends up being too
> small to display an 800x600 desktop).

By the way, there is a workaround for this problem. In my case, I have
a 1920x1200 monitor connected to my Windows computer, but I do not
want to use x2go client in fullscreen mode. I want the x2go window to
be as big as it can be without covering up the Windows taskbar.

So what I do is set a custom resolution of 1910x1140. Then when x2go
client opens the window, it is too small to display a 1910x1140
desktop (which is what x2go client starts up). The easy way to see the
problem is to open a terminal window, then hit the fullscreen icon at
the top right of the terminal window that you just opened. Then hold
down return until the terminal window fills up. Then hit return a
couple more times, and type something. You will find that you command
line prompt is below the bottom of the x2go client window, and you
cannot see what you are typing.

Anyway, the workaround is to immediately resize the x2go window larger
after you first log on. In my case, it is easy -- I just click the
fullscreen icon in the top-right of the windows x2go client window.

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