[X2go-dev] x2goserver, x2goserver-one, x2godesktopsharing

Oleksandr Shneyder oleksandr.shneyder at obviously-nice.de
Wed Jan 26 12:45:30 CET 2011

Hallo list users,

New server packages (deb and tar.gz) are available over our heuler

You can install this packages with apt:
deb http://x2go.obviously-nice.de/deb/ heuler main

Please keep in mind, that the heuler archive is an additional repository
- you'll need to have the lenny repository configured as well!


Sudo commands are no longer required by x2goserver to contact the
postgresql database. Now postgres views and rules are used to restrict
users form modifying or accessing data of other users.

Sudo isn’t required for the use of x2godesktopsharing (but
the users must be part of group x2gousers) too.

If you want to use x2goserver with sqlite, you still need to configure
sudo. But instead of the user "root", an unprivileged user "x2gouser"
will be used.

I've used Perl DBI to work with databases.

How to setup x2goserver with postgres:

configure postgresql server to enable tcp connections from x2goserver
configure postgresql server for md5 authentication for users from
x2goserver in /etc/postgresql/(version)/main/pg_hba.conf, for example:

# IPv4 local connections:

host    all         all          md5

You must create a database user which can create databases and users for
x2go database administration. You can also use user postgres to do this

You must save the password of this user in the file
/etc/x2go/x2gosql/passwords/pgadmin. Only root should have access to
this file. It will be used only for database and users creation, you
may/should delete it after this tasks are done. You can set new password
using this

x2goserver:/# su postgres -c "psql"
Dies ist psql 8.3.8, das interaktive PostgreSQL-Terminal.

Geben Sie ein:  \copyright für Urheberrechtsinformationen
                \h für Hilfe über SQL-Anweisungen
                \? für Hilfe über interne Anweisungen
                \g oder Semikolon, um eine Anfrage auszuführen
                \q um zu beenden

postgres=# alter user postgres encrypted password 'Gjyxc45WET';
postgres=# \q

database configurations in file /etc/x2go/x2gosql/sql:

#database admin (must have permissions to create databases and users)

database administration using /usr/lib/x2go/script/x2godbadmin.

x2goserver:/# /usr/lib/x2go/script/x2godbadmin --help
X2Go SQL admin interface. Use it to create x2go database and insert or
remove users or groups in x2go database
x2godbadmin --createdb
x2godbadmin --listusers
x2godbadmin --adduser|rmuser <UNIX user>
x2godbadmin --addgroup|rmgroup <UNIX group>

Create database:
x2goserver:/# /usr/lib/x2go/script/x2godbadmin --createdb

Create database users:
You can add UNIX users or groups to database using commands
/usr/lib/x2go/script/x2godbadmin --adduser example
/usr/lib/x2go/script/x2godbadmin --addgroup x2gousers
after that step users can create x2go sessions.

How to setup x2goserver with sqlite:

Add sudo entry:

#### X2GO section

%x2gousers ALL=(x2gouser) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/x2gosqlitewrapper

to create x2go sessions user must be part of group "x2gousers"

database configurations in file /etc/x2go/x2gosql/sql:


Create database:
x2goserver:/# /usr/lib/x2go/script/x2godbadmin --createdb

By installing package x2goserver-one this steps will be done automatically.


Oleksandr Shneyder
Dipl. Informatik
X2go Core Developer Team

email:  oleksandr.shneyder at obviously-nice.de
web: www.obviously-nice.de

--> X2go - everywhere at home

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