[X2Go-User] Mouse clicks delayed

Michael Eager eager at eagerm.com
Fri Mar 23 20:21:45 CET 2018

I'm running Thunderbird on a remote server.  Whenever I click on
a dropdown menu, it takes about 30 seconds for the application to
respond.  I can't tell if the delay is in sending the mouse event
or in displaying the menu.

This does not happen when clicking on buttons (like Print
or Reply), but only when there is a dropdown, like ReplyAll or
the settings dropdown, or in the menus in a composition window.

I don't notice this delay with other applications.  There is no
delay when I run Thunderbird remotely using "ssh -X".

The server is running CentOS 7, kernel-4.15, x2goagent-3.5.0

The client is running Fedora 27, kernel-4.15, x2goclient-4.1.1.

Michael Eager    eager at eagerm.com
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306

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