[X2Go-User] X2godesktopsharing

"BOTZ Franck (Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux) - DDT 67/SIDSIC/Pôle Infra" franck.botz at bas-rhin.gouv.fr
Sat Sep 30 10:53:19 CEST 2017

Hi !

My server run xubuntu 16.04. users can open session and work with applications.

When they activate the x2godesktopsharing program, they see the icon on the systray and can activate the desktop sharing.

So, then i launch the x2goclient with local desktop as profil. The session openned and i can see all x2godesktopsharing that run on the server.

I select a session, ans try ton connecter with all rights. The user as a windoWs wich ask him to accept the connexion. After that, à second Windows come and want tout authentify as the admin user tout allow running applications as a different user.

In auth.log, i see something like polkitd ....

Any ideas ?



Franck Botz
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