[X2Go-User] Can't resume session on RHEL6 system properly

John Stoffel john at stoffel.org
Thu Jul 13 22:14:40 CEST 2017

>>>>> "Ulrich" == Ulrich Sibiller <ulrich.sibiller at gmail.com> writes:

Ulrich> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 4:12 PM, John Stoffel <john at stoffel.org> wrote:
Ulrich> That kde Session type is irrelevant. Your Session is probably broken beyond
Ulrich> repair. You can try sending SIGHUP to the x2goagent process and see if that
Ulrich> helps.
>> And there's no x2goagent process... just an nxagent process.  Damn.  I
>> wonder what happened.  I really like x2go, but debugging it is horrible...

Ulrich> Then try nxagent. I was unsure about the final procress name anyway ;-)

I tried doing a kill -HUP, and it killed it all off.  Oh well...

Ulrich> On the Server you can find a Logfile in ~/.x2go somewhere. Maybe it contains
Ulrich> some Information about what happened.
>> Nothing obivous unfortunately.  Any suggestions on how to make it more
>> stable?

Ulrich> You could try the current nx-libs beta:
Ulrich> http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:nx-libs-betatesting, it
Ulrich> contains lots of bugfixes.

Ulrich> Loop: PANIC! The remote NX proxy closed the connection.
Ulrich> Loop: PANIC! Failure negotiating the session in stage '7'.
Ulrich> Loop: PANIC! Wrong version or invalid session authentication cookie.

Ulrich> Are you really use the same version of nx-libs on both sides?

Ulrich> What packages (+ version) do you have running on both sides?

See my initial email, I gave the package information on both sides.
It's worked in the past without problems, but lately it's been much
more flaky.

Maybe I need to upgrade to the latest release on RHEL6, but from what
I see on the web pages, there are problems with the later versions
with GNOME based desktops.

So it's looking more and more like something else will have to take
over for my needs.  Not sure what...

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