[X2Go-User] Global ssh-agent

Dmitry Bely dmitry.bely at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 13:10:37 CET 2015


I would like to use ssh-agent globally for X session (Debian/MATE if
it matters). X session starts it itself and when I login to X locally
it works as expected (SSH_AGENT_PID and SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment
variables are set correctly). But if I connect to the host via x2go,
strange things happen: in any terminal session SSH_AUTH_SOCK points to
non-existing path and SSH_AGENT_PID is not set at all. I tried to work
around this adding to ~/.bashrc:

if [ ! -S ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock ]; then
  eval `ssh-agent -s`
  ln -sf "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock

This way SSH_AUTH_SOCK is correct but SSH_AGENT_PID is surprisingly
unset somethere. Any idea how to fix that?

- Dmitry Bely

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