[X2Go-Dev] support for all-numerical user ids

ENRICO BERTOCCHI ebertocchi at unimore.it
Fri Mar 13 00:14:48 CET 2015

Dear sirs,

I installed x2goserver on a debian wheezy machine dedicated to teaching

The usernames retrieved from our university LDAP server (on which I have
no authority) are allowed to be fully numerical, and most students have
fully numerical uids.

In order to have a working x2goserver, I changed the regex expression in
the sub sanitizer, "x2gosid" section, of

/usr/lib/x2go/x2goutils.pm (line 46)
/usr/lib/x2go/x2gosqlitewrapper.pl (line 67)


if ($string =~ /^([a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.\@]{0,47}[\$]?)\-[...etc...]


if ($string =~ /^([a-zA-Z\_0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.\@]{0,47}[\$]?)\-[...etc...]

Being a mechanical engineer with limited developing experience and no perl
knowledge, I can't state if such a change has undesired side effects.

Could you check if such change would be acceptable?

The only justification of our LDAP managers is probably that the POSIX
standard allows usernames beginning with numbers (see e.g. discussion

Thanking for the kind attention

Enrico Bertocchi

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