[X2Go-Dev] Bug#723: Bug#723: x2go sessions insta-break with some GUI software (ROOT TBrowser)

Babutzka, Martin (EKP) martin.babutzka at kit.edu
Fri Jan 9 15:55:57 CET 2015

Some updates on this bug:

I've tested several VcXsrv-Versions from http://code.x2go.org/releases/binary-win32/3rd-party/vcxsrv-modified-by-x2go-project/
The bug purely occurs with the more recent versions of VcXsrv - like and
The bug does NOT occur with the older versions 1.14 (tested

So the bug is caused by changes made in VcXsrv from version 1.14 to 1.15. I used the debug version "vcxsrv-debug." to receive the following trace of the SIGFAULT:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
in memcpy () from C:\Temp\VcXsrv-Debug\msvcr120d.dll

0x5b4b3365  <+0x01c5>        f3 0f 6f 0e              movdqu (%esi),%xmm1
0x5b4b3369  <+0x01c9>        83 e9 10                 sub    $0x10,%ecx
0x5b4b336c  <+0x01cc>        8d 76 10                 lea    0x10(%esi),%esi
0x5b4b336f  <+0x01cf>        66 0f 7f 0f              movdqa %xmm1,(%edi)
0x5b4b3373  <+0x01d3>        8d 7f 10                 lea    0x10(%edi),%edi
0x5b4b3376  <+0x01d6>        eb e8                    jmp    0x5b4b3360 <memcpy+448>
0x5b4b3378  <+0x01d8>        0f ba e1 02              bt     $0x2,%ecx
0x5b4b337c  <+0x01dc>        73 0d                    jae    0x5b4b338b <memcpy+491>
0x5b4b337e  <+0x01de>        8b 06                    mov    (%esi),%eax
0x5b4b3380  <+0x01e0>        83 e9 04                 sub    $0x4,%ecx
0x5b4b3383  <+0x01e3>        8d 76 04                 lea    0x4(%esi),%esi
0x5b4b3386  <+0x01e6>        89 07                    mov    %eax,(%edi)
0x5b4b3388  <+0x01e8>        8d 7f 04                 lea    0x4(%edi),%edi
0x5b4b338b  <+0x01eb>        0f ba e1 03              bt     $0x3,%ecx
0x5b4b338f  <+0x01ef>        73 11                    jae    0x5b4b33a2 <memcpy+514>
0x5b4b3391  <+0x01f1>        f3 0f 7e 0e              movq   (%esi),%xmm1
0x5b4b3395  <+0x01f5>        83 e9 08                 sub    $0x8,%ecx
0x5b4b3398  <+0x01f8>        8d 76 08                 lea    0x8(%esi),%esi
0x5b4b339b  <+0x01fb>        66 0f d6 0f              movq   %xmm1,(%edi)
0x5b4b339f  <+0x01ff>        8d 7f 08                 lea    0x8(%edi),%edi
0x5b4b33a2  <+0x0202>        8b 04 8d d8 34 4b 5b     mov    0x5b4b34d8(,%ecx,4),%eax
0x5b4b33a9  <+0x0209>        ff e0                    jmp    *%eax
0x5b4b33ab  <+0x020b>        f7 c7 03 00 00 00        test   $0x3,%edi
0x5b4b33b1  <+0x0211>        75 15                    jne    0x5b4b33c8 <memcpy+552>
0x5b4b33b3  <+0x0213>        c1 e9 02                 shr    $0x2,%ecx
0x5b4b33b6  <+0x0216>        83 e2 03                 and    $0x3,%edx
0x5b4b33b9  <+0x0219>        83 f9 08                 cmp    $0x8,%ecx
0x5b4b33bc  <+0x021c>        72 2a                    jb     0x5b4b33e8 <memcpy+584>
0x5b4b33be  <+0x021e>        f3 a5                    rep movsl %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)

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