[X2go-dev] Password in plain text!?!?!?

Paul van der Vlis paul at vandervlis.nl
Thu Jul 30 16:03:37 CEST 2009

Alexander.Kuchler at pruftechnik.com schreef:
> Dear group,
> today I figured out you are saving the password entered during the startup 
> of the session in plain text in C:\Documents\%User%\.x2go\ssh\.
> And not even delete it after closing the session..
> You can not be serious!?
> Especially when knowing you are promoting X2Go for schools etc. where 
> different people might access the same terminals this is not only 
> dangerous but breakneck.

I have searched for passwords, but I did not found them in
Seems to be a Windows-client specific problem.

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.


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