[X2Go-Commits] [[X2Go Wiki]] page changed: doc:howto:tce

wiki-admin at x2go.org wiki-admin at x2go.org
Tue Oct 31 02:43:00 CET 2017

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2017/10/31 01:43
Browser     : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
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Old Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce?rev=1509354556
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce
Edit Summary: added description for "throttle" parameter
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -743,8 +743,9 @@
    * ''pubkey=tftp|http|https|ftp://your-http-server-ip-or-dns-here/x2go-tce/x2go-tce.authorized_keys'' - Allows you to add an ssh public key file to the ThinClient, so your administrators can log in remotely using SSH. Note that this file needs to be chmodded 644, not 600, on the web server.  **Attention: Whoever manages to spoof this server name will have root access to your ThinClients. Using HTTPS will mitigate this - an attacker would not only have to spoof the server
name, but also the matching certificate.**
    *  ''session=sessionname'' - use this to specify a session by name that should be pre-selected on startup. The name must be listed in the sessions file and may only contain characters from the following charset: //a-zA-Z0-9.:/ _-// (We suggest naming the default session ''default'' and using ''session=default''.) When using a session name with blanks, please enclose the sessionname in either single or double quotes, like so: ''session="session name"'' / ''session='session name''' As of 2017-10-26, this feature is only available in builds created from the https://github.com/LinuxHaus/live-build-x2go::feature/openbox repository/branch. The official repository will follow soon (or so we hope ;-)).
    * ''tcpprint'' - Will allow you to use local LPT/USB printers like "dumb" network printers (listening to port 9100 and above). Requires MAC->IP mapping in DHCP server (and optionally, DNS->IP mapping), or static IPs - else your print jobs will
end up on random devices. This setup is preferred over the X2GoClient's built-in printing for locally attached printers if X2GoServer and ThinClients are on the same network. It is not recommended when your X2Go connection goes across the internet or when the ThinClient is actually a laptop roaming between different networks. **Attention:** When used without ''tcpprintonlyfrom'' (see below), this means anyone that can reach your thin client via e.g. ping can also send print jobs to it!  
    * ''tcpprintonlyfrom=x.x.x.x'' - Will allow you to specify which IP address may connect to Port 9100 and above for printing to a locally attached LPT/USB printer. This should be the IP of your CUPS server or whatever print server system you use.  Understands the same syntax as xinetd's ''only_from''. 
+   * ''throttle=n|n:n:n:n:n'' - Will throttle down- and upload speed (''throttle=n'') or set throttling limits as follows: download:upload:smoothingtime:smoothinglength:latency. Defaults for up-
and download are 10 (KiloBytes/s), 3.0 (seconds, using decimals is permitted) smoothingtime, 20 (KiloBytes), 0 (ms). for a detailed description of these parameters, see "man trickle". You can use the first 1, 2, 3, 4 or all 5 parameters. To set down- and/or upload speed to unlimited, use the letter "u" instead of a numeric value. As of 2017-10-31, this feature is only available in builds created from the https://github.com/LinuxHaus/live-build-x2go::feature/openbox repository/branch. The official repository will follow soon (or so we hope ;-)).
    * ''xinerama=left-of|right-of|above|below|same-as'' - Allows you to specify how multiple screens are handled (same-as clones the primary screen to all secondary screens, the other commands will cascade and thus expand the screen). Note that the current implementation will enforce "same-as" if it detects a touch screen driver (wacom) and no other pointing device. This is so you won't get stuck being unable to log off, for example, due to
your touch device being limited to one screen.
    * ''xorg-resolution=HRESxVRES'' - will force the horizontal resolution to HRES and the vertical resolution to VRES, e.g. ''xorg-resolution=1280x1024'', useful if autodetection for the correct screen size fails, but you do get as far as seeing the X2Go GUI
    * ''xorgconfurl=tftp|http|https|ftp://your-http-server-ip-or-dns-here/x2go-tce/x2go-tce.xorg.conf'' - when a client outright refuses to boot into the graphical X2Go login screen, but gets stuck at the console or a black screen instead, yet you can get the GUI to work using a regular Linux on the same hardware, you can disable the X Server's autodetection and force it to use the xorg.conf specified here.  Note that you should use a more descriptive name for the file, as described below. Also note that whoever manages to spoof the server name can inject rogue xorg config files into your ThinClients.  To mitigate this risk, use HTTPS, where the attacker would have to spoof both
server name and matching certificate.

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